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There is a First Time for Everything...

Wow! Here we are with a brand-new website and the newsletter I always wanted to have attached to it! Now I can keep you all updated with the latest news and even do some fun giveaways right here! I'll also be posting a random teaser or two from whatever current projects I'm writing to keep you excited for what's on the horizon! Isn't that awesome?! So, I hope you'll look forward to receiving your newsletter as much as I'll be to share the latest updates!

Since this is the launch of the very first newsletter from a brand-new website, I wanted to give you a little introduction of who I am for those of you who might not be familiar with me. I'm a married mother of two grown daughters, one of which is about to give us our first grand baby – any day now! Lots of “firsts” going on here – are you seeing a theme?

Anyway, I've always loved books, music, and storytelling, and that led me to the notion of combining all three of my loves to write stories with rock star characters. Many years and lots of books later, all but two of my titles have music themes. Most of my stories are in the MM genre but I also write MF stories, too. I'm known mostly for my Rock Gods series, and I have those sexy men to thank for allowing me to achieve one of my biggest dreams as an author: to be an Amazon Bestseller! The Rock Gods series led me to Guarding the Gods, and I now have Band of Brothers to add as a third series in my catalog. You can find all my series and stand-alone stories on the book page of the site.

I have three major projects coming up that I want to tell you about! First up, More Than My Words, Book 3 in Guarding the Gods will be ready before the end of the year and I can't wait to share that story with you! It's very emotional and sexy as hell, so I think you're all going to love it!

I'm also very excited to share with you plans for a collaboration project I'm doing with Sandrine Gasq-Dion! We'll be starting work on that story soon, so you can expect much more from our sexy rockers all together – doing what they do best! If you've followed her Rock Series and my Rock Gods Series, you already know we've shared our guys in each other’s books, but this time around we're going to write the story together. I can't wait to work with that incredible brain of Sandy's! This one is bound to rock the socks right off your feet!

The other project I have scheduled is Book 3 in the Band of Brothers series, which is a follow-up to Simon and Dakota's story in the novella, Beat of His Own Drums. I gave Simon a much-needed chance to redeem himself in the novella and now in the third book, Sydney will reveal a little more of herself to you, and there will also be much more of Simon and Dakota's lives together, as well.

I also have lots more planned for you in 2018, including another Rock Gods novella with one of your favorite couples playing the starring role! Think you can guess who that couple might be? The correct answer might be part of a future giveaway – on my website, so you'll have to stay tuned!

Thank you all so much for your continued support and your love for my stories. I truly could not do this without your devotion. I love your personal emails and posts, so please continue to reach out to me and I'll continue to deliver the heart wrenching, panty melting stories you've come to love!

As always, I'll see you backstage!


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